Tuesday 8 January 2013

Taking Care of Your Houseplants

Many of us just cannot help getting some beautiful flowering plants in our home. But it’s not just flowers; also there are different varieties that have found home beside us. These plants not just gives hint of natural beauty to our homes, but they often complements that perpetual nurturing instinct in each and every one of us.

May be tucked into a corner of the living room or settled in an elaborate construction with a personal aesthetic choice for some; plants makes up a part of our home.  So, some level of houseplant care is mandatory to keep them intact and more appealing.

Following are few gardening tips to ensure healthy growth of any indoor plants and to prevent any undesired effects on the same.

Compatibility: Before getting a plant, it is necessary to do some homework. The choice of plants not only depends on the surroundings it demands, but also the time you can offer in order to maintain it. So, a beautiful flowering plant may looks pleasing, but may soon turn gloomy if those needful monitoring duties in houseplant care were not observed.

Water: The most commonly found reason for an indoor plant dying is established to be over-watering. Even when, the pot is equipped with a drainage hole allowing through it all the excess run-off; more than generous watering efforts can put any plant into jeopardy.

The water demand of a plant may simply be understood by inserting your finger into the soil. The moisture level in soil can very well express the water needs of a plants, as dryness of soil lets you know that it’s time to pour some water.

Light: Although light is the principle source of energy for plants, the amount of light plants should be exposed to, is an important factor. Depending on the species and variety, light requirement of every plant is different and so does the period of exposure, thus shaping the directives of typical houseplant care. Some plants such as with variegated foliage need more light than many flowering plants. According to the plants needs, setup the ideal position for a plant close to bright sunlight and follow a light cycle recommended for the same.
Use of artificial lights such as LED or HID bulbs may come in handy, if your house is not illuminated enough.

Fertilizer: Regular regimen of fertilizers should be kept on schedule. As most of the available fertilizers are developed for flowering plants, thus they have rather low levels of Nitrogen. Identify the products which provide similar proportions of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as in 10:10:10.
Plants are to be fed with fertilizers once in a week, the amount which is to be further decreased in winter i.e. once in a month. Use of water soluble products are commonly used, however use of slow- release granules and fertilizers spikes is not uncommon either.

Humidity: As many of popular plants are often tropical nature, they require humidity of 50-60% in general scenario. At winter, conditions even get more difficult due to introductions of furnace or heater at home, making the air much drier. Hand-held spray can certainly help to maintain required amount of humidity, something which can be further enhanced with grouping the plants on a tray of damp gravel.

Maintenance:  Regular monitoring supported grooming exercises helps to keep the plants healthy and beautiful. Pruning will help a plant become bushier and fuller, as trimming can remove those wayward branches. Deadheading often carried out to remove dead flowers, so as to divert the bit of energy from seed development to further growth.

Pests and diseases: In case, any symptoms such a tuft of white fluffs, presence of tiny bugs or yellow speckling are observed, the affected part should be removed and mist to be applied around  the given region. This prevents any further progress of pests and diseases and thus further damage.

Regular monitoring and proper track of important factors should help anyone to develop some beautiful looking plants in any indoor conditions.

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